Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mom Is In Town

Mom arrived on the 27th of June.
The time is going quickly - a total of three weeks feels more like one.
Since here arrival we have been to the following places:
Zurich - twice
Neuchatel - twice
Rheinfelden - Swiss and German Side
Basel...of course
And now we are off to:
Spiez - The Thunersee
Mt. Rigi

Story book cute Colmar, France
Cathedral in Colmar
Colmar, France
Colmar, France (Don't mind the muddy river - we had lots of rain)
Colmar, France - Little Venice

Basel at Sunset
Zurich - Right before Ironman
Mom and Mary in Colmar

Rheinfelden, CH
Storks in Rheinfelden...You have got to love this town!
Euro Bike in Rheinfelden

Lake Cauma in Flims...Amazing Colors!
Lake in Flims
Robert and Melinda at the Lake

Flims Village
Can you tell we loved the lake?

Church in Flims
Melinda and Mom in Flims
Bike Race in Flims...we love stumbling across these things!

Lake Cauma from above

A view from our room towards Flims Dorf

1 comment:

Angelini Photography said...

That lake is beautiful!!! It looks like one of those spa places you go to chilland get away from things! Sign me up!