Friday, January 29, 2010

The Morning Run

I have started to run again.
It is slow and steady, but at least I can say it is existent.
And as I run through these European streets, I always find a smile sweeps my face, a song plays in my ear and my steps become lighter.
My mind drifts and I think of days past, present and future.
As for the past, I reflect and shed a delicate tear.
All of the joy and sorrow has made me appreciate today.
As for the present, I am content at this point in my life and blessed to share experiences with my family.
I still pinch myself with the opportunities that surround us and still marvel in this magnificent journey.
And as for the future, well, I am excited!
I am energized to see what this year has in stow for us, the places we will travel, the lessons we will learn and the joy we will find behind each hidden corner.
So, the sneaks are on, the music is playing, Noah is pleasantly tucked into his stroller and I am getting a bit of my “old self” back.
Here is to a great 2010!

The snowy St. Alban Tor

Snowy street await us...

Noah is ready for the morning run...

Noah in his new snowsuit ready to brave the cold!
And of course, the Saucony's...I love these shoes!

What is playing in our ears lately:
Sweet, sultry, jazzy Melody Gardott.

What we are reading:
The Sex Lives of Cannibals (Please do not get the wrong idea – it is a travel documentary about life on an island! Thank you for the suggestion Barb!)

What is cooking in the kitchen:
Lots of warming winter soups.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Through Town

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust
Exploring the town in which we live.

Friday, January 15, 2010


When words fail and situations humble…

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.
~Mother Teresa

I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.
~Edward Everett Hale

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing
because he could only do a little.
~Edmund Burke

Article about good ways to donate...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Noah Graduates!

Small milestones that leave lasting impressions.
Snapshots that help you remember and smiles that will live forever in your heart.
That was our day.
Noah graduated Kindermusik and after just 15 weeks he already can play
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the piano...ahhh...just kidding, but boy can he clap those precious little hands like a champ!
Thank you Ms. Susan for a wonderful experience!
Noah & Ms. Susan
Noah with his first diploma!
Go get 'em buddy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow & Ice

Winter is certainly upon us and we are trying, despite the cold, to get "out there" and enjoy the season.
The snow fell through Saturday night and when we woke up on Sunday, the landscape was white. It was magnificent!
I wanted to relish in the beauty of the day and decided to take one of my favorite local hikes with a good friend. The entire hike we kept saying, "Wow...this is so beautiful!"
There is something magical about the snow.
It leaves everything it touches so pristine, so clean; like someone painted the earth with the most exquisite glittery white paint.
The woods are incredibly quiet and you find yourself resorting to peace and happiness.
Winter is upon us and we are grateful. Spotting of the Pippi Longstocking horse in Muttenz.
Snow riding.

Loving the white stuff...

Winter...sweet winter...

Farm house...

Wanderweg in the snow...

Just beautiful...

Quiet bench...

Coffee anyone?

Castle covered in snow.

Downtown Basel.

The Tinguely Fountains are frozen...

Oh, and as for our first experiment. It is going very well. So far, we are still on track.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Year of the Experiment

2010 – The Year of the Experiment.

Instead of “resolutions” we have decided to embark on the experiment journey.

So, intermingled with travel diaries, pictures and our growing little man, we will periodically share with you some of our latest experiments. Indulge us, follow along and let us know if any of our experiments inspire you!

Here is to 2010 – make it the best year ever!

The Experiment #1 - Buy less, Appreciate more

We came up with this idea – no not a genius revelation, rather a way to save some cash and leave less of a “footprint” on the earth. We have decided to not purchase anything material until March. We put it “out there” as a way to help us stay motivated to consume less and relish more in the “gifts” we already have and those gifts the world has to offer. In addition, we don’t want to accumulate stuff we don’t need – we would rather enjoy what we already have!

So, here goes the experiment. We will write from time to time on how our little three month, no purchasing event goes, but until then, wish us luck and here’s to lack of consumption!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Christmas Break Activities

As the holidays come to a close and we prepare for a new year, we take the time to reflect on the last year.
It was a tremendous year!
We spent another year living, working and playing in beautiful Switzerland.
We watched our son grow and explore and we grew together as a family.
We are most grateful for the last two weeks we spent together waking up slowly, sipping our morning brew, day tripping and exploring.
We now enter a new year and are anxious to embrace 2010 making it the best year ever!
So, here is to a bountiful 2009!
We are now embracing an abundant & healthy 2010 with open arms!
The Tree.
I like my new sweater!

Yeah! a new push toy... with lots of blocks!

Noah loves his new push toy!
A trip to the zoo with Noah, revealed some wonderful animals;
The Lion checking out all the noise at the Hyena cage...

Cheetah waiting for dinner...

I forget what these were, cute ground rodents from Africa...

We saw peacocks!

The Pelicans at the zoo...
We then took a day trip to Porrentruy, CH, despite the rain and cold...
The castle above town...

Old Buildings...

The stream cutting through town...

The castle dominates the town...

Nice stream running through town...
Church in Porrentruy, CH
Robert & Noah enjoying a quick walk around town...
Nice buildings in Porrentruy, CH
Noah ready for jogging...

Friday, January 01, 2010

Pre-Christmas Getaway

Grindelwald is one of our favorite places - from the scenic train ride to the awe of the Alps, we simply love this magical place.
With the holidays quickly approaching, we made a call and discovered one of our favorite Swiss havens had an available room.
We packed our bags, squeezed Noah into his snowsuit and headed off.
The weather was perfect and we were even blessed with a fresh layer of snow as a pre-Christmas gift on Wednesday morning.
The Alps sparkled with the new fallen snow and made for a few delightful treks through the woods.
It was the perfect way to bring in the holiday season!
Melinda and Noah on the way up to First...
Cool Sky...

Melinda and Noah, all smiles...

The sky looked cool...

Melinda and Noah, having fun in the snow!

Lots of old farm houses...

The sky looked really awesome!

Sunset, snow, and the farm houses...

We awoke to 3 fresh inches of snow!

Red Berries, probably not to eat...

Nice Tree and fog...

Little River through the snow...

Our new house... just kidding, but it's a nice thought...


The snow and sun looked cool here..

Through the snow in the shadow of the Eiger...

Dilapidated Farm house...

Mist and Trees...

A walk in the snow, and a dilapidated farm house...

The Family at Bort...
