Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Year of the Experiment

2010 – The Year of the Experiment.

Instead of “resolutions” we have decided to embark on the experiment journey.

So, intermingled with travel diaries, pictures and our growing little man, we will periodically share with you some of our latest experiments. Indulge us, follow along and let us know if any of our experiments inspire you!

Here is to 2010 – make it the best year ever!

The Experiment #1 - Buy less, Appreciate more

We came up with this idea – no not a genius revelation, rather a way to save some cash and leave less of a “footprint” on the earth. We have decided to not purchase anything material until March. We put it “out there” as a way to help us stay motivated to consume less and relish more in the “gifts” we already have and those gifts the world has to offer. In addition, we don’t want to accumulate stuff we don’t need – we would rather enjoy what we already have!

So, here goes the experiment. We will write from time to time on how our little three month, no purchasing event goes, but until then, wish us luck and here’s to lack of consumption!


Angelini Photography said...

I think that is a fantastic idea - I am totally onboard with that one and I think we will try to implement that in our own home - thanks for the inspiration!!! Good luck and wish us luck (BTW, fantastic picture - love the clouds!)

Jen said...

Good luck guys! That's a great experiment! About a year ago some families were featured in national news for consuming only bare necessities. It sounded very creative and liberating. Can't wait to hear your experience!