I have started to run again.
It is slow and steady, but at least I can say it is existent.
And as I run through these European streets, I always find a smile sweeps my face, a song plays in my ear and my steps become lighter.
My mind drifts and I think of days past, present and future.
As for the past, I reflect and shed a delicate tear.
All of the joy and sorrow has made me appreciate today.
As for the present, I am content at this point in my life and blessed to share experiences with my family.
I still pinch myself with the opportunities that surround us and still marvel in this magnificent journey.
And as for the future, well, I am excited!
I am energized to see what this year has in stow for us, the places we will travel, the lessons we will learn and the joy we will find behind each hidden corner.
So, the sneaks are on, the music is playing, Noah is pleasantly tucked into his stroller and I am getting a bit of my “old self” back.

The snowy St. Alban Tor

Sweet, sultry, jazzy Melody Gardott.
What we are reading:
The Sex Lives of Cannibals (Please do not get the wrong idea – it is a travel documentary about life on an island! Thank you for the suggestion Barb!)
What is cooking in the kitchen:
Lots of warming winter soups.
LOVE this! hopefully when the days grow longer and bring more daylight we can run together again in the evenings. :) enjoy your runs!
What sweet thoughts, thanks for sharing!! :)
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