Sunday, February 28, 2010

Noah Walks!!!

Noah Walks!

(I count 11 Steps!)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fasnacht Celebrates 100 Years in Basel

It is that time of year again when the streets are filled with a colorful array of confetti and the people are all jovial.
Fasnacht begins at 4:00 a.m. on Monday morning and carries on until Wednesday evening.
Prior to this year, I have to admit (sorry!) I wasn't the biggest Fasnacht fan - all of the drums, piccolos and people.
But this year, watching the spirit of the days and the joy of the children through Noah's eyes, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and Noah had a blast!
The pictures in this posting are a bit random, but then again , so is Fasnacht.
Enjoy the spirit!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Noah Videos!


The Giggles!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Experiment #2 - Progress Report

Progress report - AKA - the grub we miss!
Robert yearns for bread and chocolate.
Melinda yearns for smooth, creamy drinks on cold winter days - a nice cup of chai or coffee would be delicious.
She also longs for toast - fresh bread, popped into the toaster with a dab of butter - yum!
Easiest meal of the day:
Melinda has been enjoying brown rice, coconut, nuts, fresh fruit, cinnamon and a touch of maple syrup.
Robert enjoys the hard boiled egg
and fresh fruit.
Hardest meal of the day:
Melinda would love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a fresh salad (but due to my on the floor, deathly ill, wretch until you think life is over, salad enduced food poisioning, I don't do salads too often in Switzerland =) so that makes lunch fruit salad, topped with plain yogurt and nuts for me.
Robert has it a bit easier.
He walks down to the local butcher and gets a fresh salad with the one slice of egg on top.
Sweet tooth tricks:
Dates with a bit of peanut butter and shredded coconut.
Bengal Spice tea with oat milk and honey.
What will we miss over the weekend -
PIZZA Fridays!
Each Friday, we make our own veggie pizza and chill with a glass of wine and relax over a good movie.
This Friday, it might be a bowl of brown rice with fresh veggies and our trusty glass of H2o!
Anyway, I am rather enjoying this journey.
I like going to the grocery store and skipping most of the isles, plus it feels good to avoid "food like substances!"
When you eat whole foods, you mostly fill your basket with fruits, veggies, eggs, grains, etc. it makes shopping a heck of a lot easier.
Here's to healthy eating...because what we eat matters!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Whole Foods Week

Experiment #2 –
Whole Foods Week & We Don't Mean the Grocery Store

This week we have decided to eat roughly 90% whole foods and no sugar. That means, foods in their natural state. No processed food like substances will cross these lips. We will, however, be using some oils, seasonings and some natural sweeteners (honey, molasses and/or maple syrup) to enhance the flavor of our meals.

The only exception and I make this for my sanity and for the sake of my sweet husband, is the consumption of coffee. I will, however, be consuming green tea in lieu of the all mighty bean. We are taking on this challenge as a way to promote our health this winter, but also to get back to the “basics” of healthy eating. This isn’t to say that our diet is slathered with unhealthy options, but it is to say, that we can always strive for improved ways of eating.

To draw some inspiration, we also turned to Michael Pollan, who says,
“Eat food. Eat what you want as long as it is “real” food. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, occasional meat – less food from a jar, container or package and more food that comes from the earth. And as for that sweet tooth – enjoy your sweets, as long as you make them!”
Foods we cannot consume:
Sugar – only in Robert’s coffee
Milk – only in Robert’s coffee
Fruit Yogurts
Wish us luck!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pre-Valentine's Day Get-a-Way

Happy Heart Day!
To help celebrate the day of love, we made our way back to Bort.
There is something still incredibly magical after almost three years about being in the Alps.
The fresh mountain air, the views that we never grow tired of and the joy of being deep in nature.
We are grateful for each other, for the Alps and for another beautiful adventure!
Enjoy those you love this Valentine's Day and know we are loving you too!
Beautiful scenery in Grindelwald.
What a difference a day makes - from clear skies to lots of fog.

Noah having some fun with his shades.

Robert & Noah enjoying the views from our room.

Forget it - I LOVE this place.

Cool reflection shot. Thanks Robert for capturing exactly what I see.

It is like falling in love...

Robert & Noah sharing a mountain chat...

Lone bench...

Deep, deep snow.

One of our favorite places in the world - Berghaus Bort.

Robert enjoying the views as Noah sleeps.

Just amazing...

Robert treking through the snow.

We love how the snow gingerly sits upon the trees.

Noah enjoying the sun...

Amazing ice sculptures at the base of the village created by the different countries.

Noah & Melinda in front of France's amazing ice sculpture.
"Love and kindness are never wasted.
They always make a difference.
They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver."
-Barbara De Angelis

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude."
- Denis Waitley

Thursday, February 04, 2010


"While we try to teach our children all about life,
our children teach us what life is all about."
- Unknown
Fun new game...
The joy of cheap toys...

Thanks Oma and Opa for Lambchop!

Bath time!

All clean!

"Can we go now?"

Toasty warm...
Dinner is fun!