Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks!

Though we don't usually celebrate Thanksgiving in our neck of the woods (though I must say our stove is busy today - pumpkin soup and veggie stuffing), it is always nice to be here goes:
For family - though far in distance, they are always close in heart
For friends
For health - as health is wealth
For two, beautiful, healthy children
For a partnership that keeps flourishing and withstanding all of life's treasures
For a warm, safe place to sleep each night
For a rewarding career
For enough to eat and drink
For my best - best - it still amazes me that I have known you for 27 years
For experiences
For love, big love, small love, smiley love, jittery love, instant love and unconditional love
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


 It has been a great fall in this neck of the woods.  
This weekend we visited Herbstmesse for the last time, riding ponies and rides and enjoying every last minute.  
We also enjoyed parties with friends and a party at Noah's school.  
We are sad to see this season end, but looking forward to welcoming the holidays.
 Noah at school for his lantern party.

 Cold, but fun!
 A favorite shot of Noah enjoying his lantern... our little Huck Finn!

 Noah's teachers - Therese and Betina

 Noah on the little 'dola.
 Noah riding Larissa!

 So much fun at Herbstmesse
 Bath time!

 Had to do it - girls and bows!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Right Now

 Right now we are enjoying:
Our back garden
Smelling the lavender
Trips to Bern to get our sweet Miss her passport - watch out world she will travel
Train rides
Rides at the fall festival...who knew you had to be four?
Bows in our hair because, well, just because she is our gal
Hikes through leaves, mist and oh, so much we do love the fall!
Listening to our new favorite group - OneRepublic
Reading -  Confident Toddler Care by Jo Frost, as we can use all the help we can get
Eating salads again - oh, how you were missed
Working on big and small projects
And enjoying these days even though the days are becoming shorter and the nights so much longer.