Friday, July 06, 2007

Part III

Narrow Trail in the Alps

Precious Blue Butterfly on Robert's Shoe

Saturday morning, we took the tram to the base of the mountain, walked to the gondola and were quickly swept away to higher ground! The views…once again were inconceivable and the gondola dropped us off in the perfect location for a day hike in the valley of the Alps. Robert planned a fabulous hike, views all around, wild flowers in full bloom and once again, a photo opportunity on every corner! The day was delightful, the weather was perfect and our lunch was local, fresh and wonderful in everyway! The goats in the Alps make some of the best cheese! Trust us…if you are ever in Switzerland, you must try some!

That night we had a great dinner at the local Mexican restaurant and fell fast asleep anxious to explore a new part of the Alps in the morning!

After the tea, coffee, and handfuls of fresh breads, we strapped on the boots, walked to another gondola, this time taking us 6,000 feet – almost above the clouds! We then hiked up hill for about 40 minutes, where we were surrounded by diverse mountains, some covered in snow, others sharp and jagged, while some were lush and green! As we stood on the top of the mountain, we both realized how small we are in the scope of the world. We also felt so fortunate to be able to have the opportunity to see such beauty and explore a truly remarkable part of the world! After such an incredible weekend, we both felt renewed.

After a tremendously difficult 2006, we both look to 2007 with restored hope, and immense gratitude! Life truly is an incredible journey…here’s to turning 30!

Church in Gryon

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