Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Best of the Best - 2010 - The Best Moment

 The Best Moment 2010 - Siena, Italy
I am not sure if it was the magic of Siena, or the feel of the warm sun on our skin, but we all shared a favorite moment in Siena.  
Noah loved playing in the famous square, chasing birds and as we took turns watching him frolic in this ancient city, we each took time of our own to savor the moment.  
Siena was indeed magical, but being able to share it with our family made it all the sweeter!

 Noah and Robert in Siena

 Having a blast in Siena
Flying and "catching" birds in Siena


Erin said...

i can't believe how much noah has grown since your siena trip! :) what a beautiful place, so happy you enjoyed it!

Angelini Photography said...

That does look like an awesome place to visit and you look like you really had a great time!! Noah certainly has grown a lot since then!!