Thursday, June 23, 2011

Arthur's Seat - Edinburgh, Scotland

One of the most appealing aspects of a city is having the ability to leave the world of concrete and head into a world of serene nature.   
Edinburgh was a city designed for those who enjoy green space, so we naturally felt right at home.   
Prior to our trip, we read about Arthur’s Seat; a hike that takes you to a high point of Edinburgh (823 feet to be exact) and offers commanding views of the city.   
Despite an unknown forecast, we knew this was something we simply had to do.   
With Noah strapped on to Robert’s back and intense winds, we made our way up the mountain.   
Once on top, we came across hail and relentless winds, but we were happy to have made it.   
The day was filled with hiking, basking in the views, relishing in the glimpse of sunlight that broke through the clouds and just enjoying being outside in a gorgeous setting. 

 Bird in flight as we make our way up Arthur's Seat.
 Ruins from an old church...pretty impressive.
 Melinda hiking - 7.5 months pregnant
 Views of the city below
 Noah bundled up to avoid the cold and wind
 Family shot at the top
 Here comes the hail!
 Noah and Robert
 Noah and Mom
 Gorgeous landscape

 Noah and Dad having fun in the green grass
 Lake below

 Another shot of the church ruins
Just how we envisioned Scotland!

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