Friday, July 01, 2011


Each time I hear the song below, I think of my father.   
There was still so much for him to do, so many hugs to receive, so many grandchildren to meet and so much life to be lived. 
A life that was cut short all too soon and memories that dance in my mind daily. 

Today marks the 5th year of my father’s passing and though time continues to march on, I still have moments when I, too cannot really believe he is gone.   
Here is to a beautiful man - an incredible legacy resides in your absence.  

So for today, I am missing my father and remembering his many gifts.

Can’t Be Really Gone
Tim McGraw

His hat is hanging by the door
The one he bought in Mexico
It blocked the wind,
It stopped the rain
He'd never leave that one
So, he can't be really gone

The shoes he bought on Christmas Eve
He laughed and said they called his name
It's like they're waiting in the hall
For him slip them on
So, he can't be really gone

I don't when he'll come back
He must intend to come back
And I've seen the error of my ways
Don't waste the tears on me
What more proof to you need
Just look around the room
So much of him remains

His book is lying on the bed
The two of hearts to mark his page
Now, who could ever walk away
At chapter twenty-one
So, he can't be really gone

Just look around this room
So much of him remains

His book is lying on the bed
The two of hearts to mark his page
Now, who could ever walk away
With so much left undone
So, he can't be really gone

No, he can't be really gone

*I have taken the liberty to change the song from “her” to “him.”

1 comment:

Angelini Photography said...

That is so beautful Melinda - he sounds like a wonderful man! :)