Monday, July 11, 2011

Bliss in the Alps

 The beautiful thing about the Alps is that they are ever-changing.  
Each day, each passing moment is different from the next and each season brings with it its' own sense of wonder.  
We have been visiting the Grindelwald area for years now (how quickly time passes) and despite the fact that it is one of the only places we continue to return, we never grow tired of the scenery, the hiking and the Berghaus.  
Now that we have Noah we are certain our love for the Alps has rubbed off on him.  
He enjoys the train ride and loves the "dolas."
And to make an even more perfect location all the more ideal, Berghaus Bort added an incredible playground with a backdrop that is beyond special.  
So, as our little man swings, jumps and frolics in the stream, he is breathing fresh Alpine air and basking in some incredible views.  
For everyone, it is the ideal retreat.
 Noah taking in the views from the "dola."
 Noah checking out the cows.
 Views like this never grow old.
 Views from our hike.
 Noah passed out on the hike.
 Melinda happy to be in the Alps and still hiking.
 Robert enjoying the hike too!
 Noah on the "dola."
 One happy child!
 Noah and Dad in the Alps.
 My happy boys!
 Watching the "dolas" pass.
 Noah at the playground.  He has the life!
 Just another swing the in the Alps!
 Trampoline fun!
 Swing, swing, swing.
 Alpine child.
 Family shot.
Noah on the train going home.

1 comment:

Angelini Photography said...

Yea, I would find it hard to beleive anyone could get sick of those views - how breathtaking!!! Noah looks like he is having a grand old time on the "dolas"!