Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Days

Noah and his best buddies, Daniel and Thomas.

 Noah is having quite the summer.  
Between the array of wonderful parks, great swimming pools, zoo visits, and library time, our little man is thoroughly enjoying the slower days of summer.  
I am most appreciative of these days as well, spending as much time with him before our newest family member arrives.  
We are feeling most grateful for living in such a child - friendly, safe city, cooler summer temperatures, great friends and wonderful opportunities.   
Here is to a great summer and all the promise that lies ahead!
 Noah ready to travel with his new pants! He will love this picture in a few years!
 Noah at Kannenfeld Park
 Noah at the zoo with Lilly, Thomas and Daniel
 Noah watching his buddy get a band aid.
 Fun in the fountain ...there are fountains all over the city and they provide endless joy!
 Fun in the creek with Dad!
 Ready for library time.
 Library time with his new friends.
 Taking it all in.
 Craft time.
 On the tram heading to the pool.
 Pool fun in Aesch.
 Frogs get hot too!
Swimming...lazy summer days.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer!

1 comment:

Angelini Photography said...

Awwww, what sweet pictures!! Oh to be young again - summer was the absolute best! Not worries in the world!!