Monday, May 16, 2011


  Noah using his new favorite word, "babe."

Assisi – what a beautiful town!   
My best friend had told me that on a visit with her husband they simply fell in love with this city - now we know why.   
The town is perched on a remote hill and the city is remarkable.   
Everywhere you turn there are churches created out of a pinkish and white stone, making for a crisp backdrop.  
 The  home of the famous St. Francis of Assisi cathedral is here and what a spectacle to behold.   
The town wraps you in her charm and makes even the weary of visitors long for more.

 Beautiful field of flowers on our way to Assisi.
 Approaching the town of Assisi.

 Noah loving his morning run.
 St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral
 The lawn in from of the cathedral spells, "PAX."
 The side of the church.

 Noah running outside the square.
 Noah and Mom.

 Old fountain

 Noah thoroughly enjoying his yogurt gelato.

 Happy Easter Noah!
 Egg hunt in our little villa.

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