Saturday, May 07, 2011


Noah at the airport...
There is something rather magical about Italy.   
We are not sure if we are captivated by the friendliness of the people, the beautiful scenery, or the delicious food, but we love to visit.   
Last year we were fortunate enough to spend a week in Tuscany and this year, we thought it would be ideal to explore Umbria, Tuscany’s neighbor to the south.   
The landscape was just as enchanting, the food still as delicious and the towns as charming as ever.  
 Noah relished in our small apartment filled with toys and all the amenities a child would ever need. 
His days were spent running and frolicking through hill top towns, eating gelato and enjoying quality time with mom and dad.

The photos listed below are of the first town we visited – Cortona. 

 The town of Cortona
 Noah loving the steps...
 Playing in the rocks of an ancient courtyard...
 Throwing rocks...
 We love the charm of the ancient towns...

 Vino anyone?

 Beautiful landscapes...

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