Sunday, May 29, 2011

Perugia, Italy

 Yellow fields on the way to Perugia

Perugia, the capital of Umbria was our final destination on the list.  
Though the town was tattered and in some parts a bit dirty, it still had a beautiful downtown and an old world charm that can only be found in Italy. 
We spent the day wondering through ancient streets, moving slowly through churches, sipping 1 Euro cappuccinos, blowing bubbles and taking it all in before our final departure.
Overall, Italy is a country to enjoy slowly by removing your watch and letting time simply take you.
It is a beautiful country wrapped in the warmth of cheerful people and food that is as rich as her past.
 A small church in Perugia
 Big cathedral inside the town square

 Noah running through the town.
 The city seemed to have layers of construction

 The famous fountain in Perugia, Fontana Maggiore
 Old government building in the town center with exquisite art work decorating the interior, connected to the Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria.
 Family shot

Entrance to the Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria

 Bubble blowing
 Views from the town

 Picture perfect
 Incredible views
Back at the ranch where Noah enjoyed a good play on the playground

What is coming next you might ask....stay tuned for our trip to Edinburgh, Scotland.

1 comment:

Angelini Photography said...

Wow, that is a really cute little town. I think I saw that old goverment building featured in a photo mag I was thumbing through recently - looks really beautiful! Speaking of which, Melinda you look great, hope you are feeling as well! Robert, dude, putting on a few sympathy poundage? Fatherhood and marriage clearly agrees with you! Just teasing, you know I love you :) Now you know why I am always behind the camera! LOL